For a full five hours, the Israeli security cabinet discussed the topic of Iran, a nut that commentators have been trying in vain to crack. The commentators wonder whether Netanyahu is inventing a security problem, or whether we are indeed…
Tag: Hezbollah
Israel, Assad, and the world
At the outbreak of the revolution in Syria two years ago, the Israeli government announced that events there were none of its business and it would not interfere. Forty years of quiet on the Golan Heights had led Israel to…
The Winograd Report: Trumpeting the Next War
ON JANUARY 30, 2008, the Winograd Committee submitted its final report on the performance of Israel’s political and military echelons during the second Lebanon War (August 2006). In an earlier interim account, it had severely criticized Prime Minister Ehud Olmert…
Witches’ Brew in Lebanon
WHO won the Lebanon War in 2006? The question is hotly debated—but not so much between Israel and the Arabs as among Arabs themselves, and especially the Lebanese. In Israel the consensus is clear: the Winograd Committee, appointed by PM…
The War No One Wanted
Ben Efrat is the General Secretary of the Organization for Democratic Action. He delivered this lecture on July 26, 2006, fifteen days into the war, at Bamat Etgar in Tel Aviv. THIS WAR DOES not yet have a name. I…
Israel’s Communist Party and Hezbollah
HEZBOLLAH’S STAYING POWER in the face of Israel’s military superiority has proved to be a magnet not only for the masses in the Arab and Islamic worlds, but also for some on the Left – above all, the Communist Party…