In his victory speech, Joe Biden, the President-Elect of the United States, did not forget to thank the ones to whom he owed his victory – his black supporters. Pounding on the podium, he said “You’ve always had my back…
Tag: Israel
Biden-Harris and Israel
In about ten days, we’ll know who won one of the most fateful election campaigns in American – and possibly human – history. The differences between incumbent President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden could not be more pronounced.…
Corona in Israel’s backyard
Israel is preparing for the Corona tsunami that will wash over it in the coming weeks. The graph of new cases published daily shows an exponential increase, and with it a spiking level of anxiety. Prime Minister Netanyahu acts through…
Fateful misconception: Israel’s Russia mistake
As anyone can see, Israel’s course of action in Syria is aimed at preventing Iranian entrenchment there. Its strategy is understandable but impractical. This does not appear to bother Israel, which prides itself on solving complex problems by one simple…
The Demise of the Palestinian Question
Israel’s 70th Independence Day marked a change. What began with the establishment of the State of Israel by David Ben-Gurion is ending abruptly with none other than Donald Trump. Declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel was not just the “right…
A fantasy of partnership between two peoples
An exhibition by artist Noam Toran at Tel Aviv’s RawArt Gallery takes us back to Arab and Jewish rail workers in 1930s Haifa and imagines an alternative to the bloody conflict between the two peoples. Instead of death and hatred,…
Israel’s undeclared war on Iran
Last November, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman visited Saudi Arabia, sat in a spacious armchair in the palace of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, aka MBS, and went on to write a piece in The New York Times…
On Netanyahu, Trump, Putin, and Other Delusional People
Following Netanyahu’s Facebook video on September 9th, in which he dubbed as ethnic cleansing any attempt to remove Israeli settlements from the West Bank, he received thousands of likes and much commentary in the media. Pundits tried to guess what had motivated…
Netanyahu sacks Ya’alon and makes new enemies
It was hard to anticipate the sudden inclusion of right-winger Avigdor Lieberman into the government, not just because negotiations between the Labor Party’s Yitzhak Herzog and PM Benjamin Netanyahu seemed a done deal, but mainly because it goes against all…
States of denial: Israel and the impending collapse of the Palestinian Authority
Here are the words of Israel’s Minister of Immigrant Absorption, Ze’ev Elkin, the man with the highest IQ in the Knesset.“The current wave of terrorism is a ‘promo’ of what will happen after the Palestinian Authority (PA) collapses. Most scenarios…