More than a week has passed since former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon dropped his political bombshell and slammed the cabinet door in Netanyahu’s face. He was replaced by Avigdor Lieberman and the coalition was enlarged by five seats. It seems…
Tag: Lieberman
Netanyahu sacks Ya’alon and makes new enemies
It was hard to anticipate the sudden inclusion of right-winger Avigdor Lieberman into the government, not just because negotiations between the Labor Party’s Yitzhak Herzog and PM Benjamin Netanyahu seemed a done deal, but mainly because it goes against all…
When Kerry fell in love with Lieberman
Haaretz is trying to sell us a new Avigdor Lieberman. In a headline from January 2, 2014, the newspaper notes that the reinstated Foreign Minister says Israel must give John Kerry’s peace efforts a chance. According to the article’s author, commentator…
The Bibi-Lieberman Bombshell
Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu’s call for early elections initially evoked an instinctive response: Who needs this? The result of normal elections, scheduled for next fall, was predictable: Bibi could look forward to another four years as Prime Minister. He had split…
The Smell of Apartheid: Israel’s Citizenship Law
The government has approved the proposal for an amendment to the Citizenship Law, according to which anyone requesting Israeli citizenship will have to declare loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic” state. This amendment is perceived by many to…
Lieberman’s “Truth”
Asked whether his speech at the UN General Assembly (September 28, 2010) expressed the position of his government or rather the platform of his political party, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman answered: “The speech expressed the truth.” Prime Minister Binyamin…