The late Moshe Silman’s act of self-immolation rattled the entire country. Both the media and social protest activists have put out heartfelt pleas to try to dissuade others from following suit. But it seems that these calls have gone unheeded.…
Article Author: Agbarieh-Zahalka, Asma
“An occupying nation can never be free”
A speech by Asma Agbarieh-Zahalka of WAC workers’ union, delivered during an anti-occupation demonstration in Tel Aviv on June 9, 2012. It may well be that many Israelis are wondering and cannot understand what this demonstration is all about. The…
Arab youth and social protest in Israel
Israelis by the hundreds of thousands have marched in protest since July 14, shouting slogans like those heard in the Arab uprisings, in the same tone and the same rhythms – above all, “The people demands social justice!” The demonstration…
Why the Israeli Communist Party defends Assad’s regime
The following article was originally written in Arabic as a response to Muhammad Nafa’a, the General Secretary of the Communist Party in Israel (MAKI). We offer it in English because it gives an important insight into the political and ideological…
The Palestinian Facebook Movement: Can it take up the baton of revolution?
The popular uprisings sweeping the Arab world have also stirred Palestinian youth. After a long period in which Fatah and Hamas held a monopoly in the political sphere, a popular movement of young Palestinians is gaining wide support with its…
Workers Guarantee the Egyptian Revolution
Scarcely has Mubarak’s chair grown cold and many are claiming leadership of the Egyptian revolution, eager to harvest unripe fruits. Only the workers continue the struggle, with modesty and determination, in self-sacrifice and faith. They were the first and they…
DA’AM (ODA): Thinking outside the Box
The following piece will soon be published in Solution: Israel-Palestine, edited by Joshua Simon, Sternberg Press, Berlin – New York. The Middle East conflict will not find a solution within the current array of forces. On the one side there is…
Ajami, the Film: Surmounting Anger and Pain
Many days have passed since I saw Ajami, the prize-bedecked film of Scandar Copti and Yaron Shani. Its darkness has not left me. Death, the death in the final scene, still stares me down, still threatens. I can still hear the…
Egyptian Workers Impose a New Agenda
THE ROAD from the airport to the hotel shows the story: modern buildings partly conceal dilapidated, crowded structures that seem on the verge of collapse. Ancient jalopies chug along as if by inertia, while the latest luxury models zip past…
Arab Women in Israel: Obstacles to Emancipation
This article is based on a paper that is to appear in Erella Shadmi (editor), Hazon Isha: Nashim Borot Olamot Hadashim (The Vision of Woman: Women Create New Worlds), in Hebrew, 2008. JUST a few yards separate Jisr al-Zarqa from Caesarea.…