The data of the Central Bureau of Statistics indicate enormous wage gaps between men and women, as well as between Jews and Arabs. These have made headlines and caused urgent debates at the Knesset Finance Committee. Not that the gaps…
Article Author: Schwartz, Michal
Dialogue with a cactus in a cottage cheese tub
The Bread and Roses art exhibition, in its sixth year, is the result of joint efforts by the Workers Advice Center (WAC-MAAN), Sindyanna of Galilee, and Hanitzotz Publishing House, and it is generously hosted by the Minshar School of Art in Tel…
Like a herd of elephants
Like a herd of elephants, the racist legislation proposals from the Likud and Israel Beitenu are galloping through the Knesset, spreading fumes of fascism into every sphere of society (see Box below). The proposals are aimed at anything that in any way…
Help! Racism!
In May 1992, teenager Helena Rap was stabbed to death on Bat Yam’s promenade by a Palestinian. Thousands of Bat Yam residents took to the streets in violent protest for five days. They looted, damaged property and attacked anyone who…
The Ghetto in the Ghetto
The past year has witnessed two cases in the religious schools where ultraorthodox Jews of West European descent (Ashkenazis) discriminated against ultraorthodox Jews of darker hues. In August 2009, private religious schools in Petach Tikva refused to admit Ethiopian Jews.…
Arab Women in Israel: Obstacles to Emancipation
This article is based on a paper that is to appear in Erella Shadmi (editor), Hazon Isha: Nashim Borot Olamot Hadashim (The Vision of Woman: Women Create New Worlds), in Hebrew, 2008. JUST a few yards separate Jisr al-Zarqa from Caesarea.…
Gordian Knot
AMID PREPARATIONS FOR the Annapolis Conference, rumors abound that Israeli PM Ehud Olmert is ready to divide Jerusalem along the lines of the Clinton parameters from the year 2000. This calls for division on a demographic basis. The Arab neighborhoods…
The Gaza Economic Crunch
QASSAM ROCKETS hit the Israeli town of Sderot on an almost daily basis, but on September 4, 2007, at the start of the new school year, one fell beside a day-care center. That night Haim Ramon, a deputy and close…
Health and the Arabs in Israel
Between Official Negligence and Popular Unawareness “The Palestinian minority in Israel has a shorter life span than the Jewish majority, is sicker, and has less access, physical and financial, to health services and health-supporting conditions (sanitation, water, electricity, roads).” The…
The Mugrabi Gate: Dig We Must?
IN FEBRUARY 2004, the ramp leading up to the Mugrabi Gate in the al-Aqsa compound partly collapsed, and a temporary wooden structure was erected. In February 2007, Israel began building a permanent bridge to the gate. A Jerusalem law ordains…