“Men are accomplices to that which leaves them indifferent” (George Steiner) Statement of opinion, Da’am Workers Party, February 26, 2018 The horrors of recent days in East Ghouta in Syria, evident in the corpses of men, women and children, have…
Category: Arab world
The Iranian threat is in danger
Far from the capital of Tehran, and without warning, the first demonstration took place in the city of Mashhad, Iran’s second-largest city and one of the Ayatollah’s strongholds. Could this portend the return of the Arab Spring? Mashhad, like Sidi…
The Syrian nation is a victim of the Cold War
On February 24, Tunisia hosted the “Friends of Syria” conference, in the presence of foreign ministers of western powers including US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Though officially Russia has been invited, it has firmly declined, claiming it was not…
Workers Guarantee the Egyptian Revolution
Scarcely has Mubarak’s chair grown cold and many are claiming leadership of the Egyptian revolution, eager to harvest unripe fruits. Only the workers continue the struggle, with modesty and determination, in self-sacrifice and faith. They were the first and they…
The Egyptian popular uprising
A Public Statement from the Organization for Democratic Action – Da’am The great popular uprising in Egypt has shaken the region’s dictatorships and threatens their position. These regimes fear the people who demand what was achieved in Europe two centuries…
Egypt: The distance between democracy and social justice
Many of those who followed events in Egypt have been saying for a decade that Mubarak’s regime is on the verge of collapse. The regime’s total isolation and its deafness to the people’s suffering heralded the events we witness now.…
Witches’ Brew in Lebanon
WHO won the Lebanon War in 2006? The question is hotly debated—but not so much between Israel and the Arabs as among Arabs themselves, and especially the Lebanese. In Israel the consensus is clear: the Winograd Committee, appointed by PM…