This article is based on a paper that is to appear in Erella Shadmi (editor), Hazon Isha: Nashim Borot Olamot Hadashim (The Vision of Woman: Women Create New Worlds), in Hebrew, 2008. JUST a few yards separate Jisr al-Zarqa from Caesarea.…
Tag: agriculture
The Price of Olive Oil
ABU AL-ABED COULD not believe his eyes when he went down to his olive grove in the Deir Hana Valley. It was early November, but the trees were naked of fruit, as if they’d forgotten that it was harvest time…
FNV Officials Study Israel’s Labor Market
THREE OFFICIALS from FNV, the largest trade union confederation in the Netherlands, recently met with Arab women at their jobs on an Israeli farm. The jobs had been organized by the Workers Advice Center (WAC), to which the women belong.…
Bread and Roses II: The Invisible Force
About 1200 people visited the gallery of the Minshar School in south Tel Aviv on November 10, 2007. Here, for the second straight year, Bamat Etgar held the art sale known as “Bread and Roses.” The walls were filled with…
Thailand and the Israeli Labor Market
A Journey through Israel’s Agricultural Sector IN THE LAST WEEK of April 2007, the Workers Advice Center (WAC-Ma’an) hosted a delegation of European and American labor unions, which it had invited to study exclusion and exploitation in Israel’s agricultural sector.…
The Mutilation of the Olive Trees
With contributions by Orli Karinis of “Friends to the Villages,” an Israeli voluntary organization active in the Nablus area. The autumn of 2005 saw a poor olive harvest both locally and abroad. In the West Bank, however, that was the…
WAC: Reclaiming Jobs in Agriculture
Maaruf Atur, 68, is an agricultural worker from the village of Rameh in Galilee. For 32 years he worked in one kibbutz. This long period came to an abrupt end in November 2000 when the kibbutz dismissed him, along with…
The Za’atar Express
From the hill that overlooks Qaffin we could see how much the area has changed in the last two years. The separation fence, flanked by a dirt road, has altered the topography, not to say the demography, beyond recognition. The…