On Thursday, February 11, the DAAM Party held a public debate focused on Jerusalem. The discussion presented a difficult and alarming picture of a divided city in which hundreds of thousands of Palestinian residents live in extremely difficult conditions. Conversely,…
Tag: Daam
Daam Challenges the Arab Voters
When it comes to the elections among the Arab voters, it seems that reality has stood still: as if we are not in the midst of the Arab spring, as if hundreds of citizens are not being slaughtered in Syria…
On January 15, Israel’s leading liberal newspaper Haaretz printed an unusual opinion piece. Unusual not just because it was printed in two languages, Hebrew and Arabic, which in itself was extraordinary – but also because of the content. The newspaper is doing…
A new left arrives in Israel
Translated from Haaretz Weekend Supplement (Hebrew), January 5, 2013 (by permission). 2645. That’s the number of votes the Daam Party received in the previous elections. But since the outbreak of social unrest, the socialist Daam party has become a hot trend in…
Riding the wave to the Knesset: The Daam campaign
One might think that these elections are meaningless. The results are ostensibly known in advance, like a repeat broadcast of a soccer match. There’s a feeling of defeatism in the air, and people relate to the rightwing as they might…
Asma and Naftali
Agbarieh and Bennett run for the Knesset From Yedioth Aharonot, Weekend supplement, December 14, 2012“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done…
Time to dump the Oslo Accords
In a recent TV appearance, Yossi Beilin voiced his hope that the Palestinians will carry out their threat to annul the Oslo Accords, which he helped design. Annulment would spell the end of the Palestinian Authority (PA), throwing direct responsibility…
The protest and the revolution
This document was presented at the ODA-Da’am seminar, held in Kufr Qana on September 17, 2011 On July 14, 2011, something clicked. For years, people moaned behind closed doors about Israel’s deteriorating condition while trying to get their hands on…
DA’AM (ODA): Thinking outside the Box
The following piece will soon be published in Solution: Israel-Palestine, edited by Joshua Simon, Sternberg Press, Berlin – New York. The Middle East conflict will not find a solution within the current array of forces. On the one side there is…