Binyamin Netanyahu lost the second round of elections big time, and yet his opponent could not manage to win. The imbroglio created in the first round only became more complicated following the second. Netanyahu lost not only because his number…
Tag: Elections 2019
On the agenda: a unity government
Even if a coalition against Bibi takes power, it will not rule well. Hatred of him cannot be the basis for cooperation between parties whose ideological distance is greater than that between carnivores and vegans.
The magician unmasked: A funny thing happened on the way to a coalition
The people had its say, selecting Netanyahu as prime minister, acquitting him of all guilt and providing him with a right-wing bloc. Yet the omnipotent Bibi failed miserably to form a government. The last elections were a referendum on the…
Israeli democracy and the demographic threat
The following piece was first published in Hebrew on April 15, 2019, a few days after the elections in Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is set to serve a fifth term as Israel’s prime minister. His government will be like the previous one.…
Zehut: The legalization of cannabis and apartheid
Leftists and liberal Jews in the US are outraged by the anticipated entry of the far-right Kahanist fringe group “Otzma Yehudit” (Jewish Power) into the Knesset. Meanwhile, under the radar, another new party “Zehut” (which translates as Identity), headed by…