Da’am Central Committee, February 2020 The party’s decision to run again for elections this third time stems from the fact that the political plan we are proposing, based on the principle of “one state – green economy”, becomes a more…
Tag: One State
Thomas Friedman and the one-state solution
“Are we still debating the two-state solution? Or is it time for another conversation, that is: What agreement is best within the framework of a single bi-national state from the Jordan to the sea?” Nahum Barnea received this response…
Who’s for a Palestinian State?
Labor Party leader Avi Gabai is right when he says: “The peace process vis-à-vis the Palestinians is interesting only for people over 50.” “Do you think,” he told his supporters, “that people care about a Palestinian state when [President Mahmoud]…
Mahmoud Abbas is angry. So what!
In an exhausting two-hour speech before the PLO Central Council on January 14, 2018, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen) provided the morning papers with many headlines. Abbas laid into Trump saying Yehreb Beitak, a common insult which translates…