The Bread and Roses art exhibition, in its sixth year, is the result of joint efforts by the Workers Advice Center (WAC-MAAN), Sindyanna of Galilee, and Hanitzotz Publishing House, and it is generously hosted by the Minshar School of Art in Tel…
Tag: workers advice center
The protest and the revolution
This document was presented at the ODA-Da’am seminar, held in Kufr Qana on September 17, 2011 On July 14, 2011, something clicked. For years, people moaned behind closed doors about Israel’s deteriorating condition while trying to get their hands on…
Empowering the Weaker Workers in Israel, 2009
A discussion on ways to defend and organize groups of workers who are subject to exploitation and discrimination in the Israeli labor market, including Arabs, migrants, women and youth. The following is a synopsis of the talks that were given…