Yes to the Democratic Arab Revolution!
Da’am: The Workers’ Party. A Public Statement for the March on June 4 in Tel Aviv from Rabin Square to the Museum of Art.
Even as millions of youth throughout the Arab world stream into the public squares demanding democracy and social justice, even as dictators fall one by one beneath the wheels of history, Binyamin Netanyahu persists in his policy of denial, sticking to the vision of Greater Israel: two states for one people.
How can Israel go on with excuses for the Occupation in the absence of allies like Hosni Mubarak? How will it be able to maintain good neighborly relations with peoples who are demanding freedom, while it continues to deny the Palestinian people its right to independence, free movement, labor and education? This attitude is leading Israel toward further confrontation with the Arab world and deeper international isolation.
Bibi carries on like the last of the dictators, refusing to acknowledge reality. Like them he takes a position of “all or nothing,” refusing every change or compromise. But he will find no rescue in the standing ovations of the American Congress. It was the American Congress, we recall, that voted for war in Iraq.
The last two years have shown that time is not working in favor of the Netanyahu government. No regime can rule by force forever. The Israeli Occupation engendered two Intifadas, and if it goes on, a third will come. All Israeli governments have refused until now to confront the settlers; they have sacrificed the public interest to that of an extremist minority. The time has come to choose between peace and the settlements, between joining the new Middle East or fighting it, between democracy for all or apartheid. By its constant refusal, Israel’s government encourages the fundamentalists, thus becoming an obstacle to the democratic process in our region.
The Arab revolutions have created a historic opportunity. Israel faces an enormous challenge: Are we partners for peace, democracy and social justice? Or do we intend to continue with Occupation and violence? It is incumbent on us who want peace to take to the streets, communicating to the region’s Arab youth: “We are with you!”
We need to deliver a sharp, clear message to Israel’s government: “Your war is not our war, your Occupation is not our Occupation, your settlements are not our settlements, your Jerusalem is not our Jerusalem! Give us our future, and let the Palestinians determine theirs! The time of Occupation is over!”
Come march beneath the banner of Da’am, the Workers’ Party: June 4, 2011, assembling at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, marching to the Museum of Art.
Yes to the democratic Arab revolution! The lines of 1967 lead to peace!
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