2 comments for “The Deal of the Century: Trump’s Rump

  1. Berel Dov Lerner
    February 11, 2020 at 7:34 pm

    “one democratic state between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, where Israelis and Palestinians will live in equality and coexistence”!?!?!?!?!?!
    As long as you are not taking into account any aspect of historical, political, or strategic reality, why not go for broke: “one democratic state between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, where Israelis and Palestinians will live forever free of disease, old age, or the need to eat or poop”

  2. Joel
    February 11, 2020 at 9:48 pm

    “International law does not allow the transfer of population from a sovereign state to a non-state entity, ” Nonsense. Nobody has mentioned transferring populations. The discussion is about changing borders. It is not the same thing at all.
    “Therefore, anyone who does not want to live in one egalitarian and democratic country “- as in which example in the Middle East? The only egalitarian and democratic country in the region is- Israel. I think it is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs have a free press and vote freely in elections. Notice how Israeli Arabs prefer to stay in Israel? There’s reasons for that.

    It’s amazing how silly writers can be when they absolutely are dedicated to writing something, anything, anti-Israel.

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